How to determine the best time for carpet, upholstery and tile cleaning?

How to determine the best time for carpet, upholstery and tile cleaning?

In which season should I clean the carpets and furniture?’ – If you have wondered about this, you are not alone. Many homeowners remain confused in choosing the best season for upholstery and carpet cleaning.

The ideal time for cleaning carpets is debatable. Considering the weather conditions and the upcoming holidays, fall is undeniably the best season for Carpet Cleaning.

Starting upholstery cleaning during the fall has many advantages.

  • You get the house to yourself as kids usually remain at school during this time.
  • Everyone likes a clean and nice looking house for the holiday season. If you clean during the fall, you get plenty of time to prepare and decorate your house for the Christmas holidays.
  • The air has low moisture content so upholstery, carpet or tile cleaning and drying can be carried out without the risks of mold and dampness.

However, the climatic conditions, temperature and moisture differ from place to place. There are many factors which must be considered in determining the right time to do upholstery cleaning. Read along to know more.

  • Family factors- Which is the time when you get the house to yourself ? How many members are there? The more the number of members or pets in the house, the greater is the need to clean. If you have one or more pets, your carpet needs frequent dusting and cleaning. If your kids or any member is allergic to dust and dirt, it is best that you start the cleaning process only when they are not present in the house.

  • Choosing the season- Winters are cold and wet while summers are hot and moist. These are the seasons when you should avoid cleaning carpets or furniture because the humidity and moisture in the air will slow down the drying process. This could lead to mold and algae growth and degrade the quality of the items. Moreover, the doors and windows remain closed during the cold winters. This reduces the air circulation. Spring and fall are the two most popular seasons for upholstery cleaning.

Choosing fall as the cleaning season will give you an ample amount of time to take it easy and slow. You can benefit from the warmth of the weather and the lack of moisture. Along with upholstery, tile and carpet cleaning, ensure that all the air and water ducts are clean as well.

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